How Much Time Should Be Spent Practicing

You’ve heard the expression “more is always better”, right? Well that isn’t necessarily the case when learning guitar.

Sure, more is great. But beginners only know a few small things, which they can practice in only a few minutes. Spending hours working on the same songs would just be boring!

Here’s a quick guide that will help you figure out how much time you should be spending on PRACTICE!

Step A – At least 10 minutes per practice session, at least 3 times per week.


Step B – At least 15 minutes per practice session, at least 4 times per week.


Step C – At least 20 minutes per practice session, at least 5 times per week.


Step D – At least 30 minutes per practice session, at least 6 times per week.

This should be the minimum amount for the grade that you are on. If you’re not following The Ultimate Guitar Method and want an idea of what grade you would be on, simply ask your UGA Teacher, or feel free to contact us!

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