Step B Practice Routine
Each practice should be about fifteen minutes long. This routine should be completed at least four times per week. Step B Practice Routine Exercises –…
Each practice should be about fifteen minutes long. This routine should be completed at least four times per week. Step B Practice Routine Exercises –…
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Each practice should be about ten minutes long, however it may take several lessons before students content to last ten minutes. This routine should be…
Let’s be honest. Sight Reading Music Notation isn’t always the most enjoyable aspect to practice. I’ve found that this is largely due to the songs…
It’s a trap! Well, ok, it’s not really a proper trap, waiting to catch you. But there is a trap that many Step B students…
I’m always saying to my students that you should “hate every song you learn”. What?! Does this mean I only teach my students songs and…
Do Aural Exercises Really Matter? Yes. Well that was quick. Let me explain. Music is sound. So the better we can understand what we hear,…
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