Iron Sharpens Iron

Learn in a group for a discounted rate. Ideal for anyone wanting to have fun learning together, play ensemble pieces or learn Songwriting and Improvising.

Book A Free Lesson

Send us your details and we’ll get in touch within 24 hours to book a Free Trial Group Lesson, either in person or via Skype.

Group Guitar Lessons Fun

Learn From Jamming

Group lessons typically have between 4 to 7 students at similar ages and skill levels. Learning a music instrument is a journey and sharing that process with others is a great way to meet other people, bond with them and make friends.

Learning in a group scenario allows students to learn ensemble pieces together. This is where every guitarist plays something different – someone plays the chords, another person plays the lead. This basically turns a lesson into an awesome (but educational) jam session of your favourite songs. This has to be the most fun way to learn.


Ultimate Guitar


An optional course that’s included completely free for all of our students. It teaches all aspects of guitar and makes learning easy by starting at the most basic level possible and focusing on the Five Fundamental Techniques of guitar playing. Develop skills, learn songs and become THE ULTIMATE GUITARIST!

Learn Group Skills

Aside from developing all of the regular skills and techniques that all of our lesson services offer, Group Lessons typically help students improve their “Band Skills” faster. This includes areas such as:

  • Playing without the music or a backing track
  • Staying in time
  • Remembering song structure and it’s various sections
  • Reading cues from other musicians
  • Recovering from mistakes made

Life CHanging Lessons

Students can collaborate together in group environments, which allows them to make friends, build positive relationships and increase confidence & self-esteem.
Guitar Lessons In Group
Make Friends

Sharing the journey of learning an instrument is a great way to bond with someone and make friends. We often teach bandmates, siblings, cousins, parents or even complete strangers who end up becoming very good friends.

Learn Faster

Group learning often delivers fast results because it allows students to learn from each other. Some students even strive to keep up with the pace of their group.

Achieve Your Goals

Whether it’s fingerpicking, soloing, chord playing or improvising, we make customised practice routines and guides for our students so you know exactly how to practice effectively and achieve your goals!

Great Value

Group Guitar Lessons allow us to offer discounted rates, yet maintaining our high quality teaching standards. We even offer a second discount if both students are family members!

Learn From Other Students

Group learning often delivers fast results because it allows students to learn from each other. Students collaborate together which allows them to make friends, build positive relationships and increase self-esteem.

Group Guitar Lessons Learn From Others

More Than Just A Guitar Lesson

Stay Informed

Online documents as well as sound or video recordings keep parents in the loop

Student Login

Access practice resources, learning tips and additional video lessons


Stay encouraged and motivated with certificates and awards

Practice Help

Resources to make practice fun

All Ages & Skill Levels

Groups Lessons can suit students of any age group and exposes them to music and artists they may not have previously known.

Groups are typically comprised of students that are at similar ages and skill levels, although we often teach groups that are a mixture of experience and abilities.

Book A Free Trial

Send us your details and we'll get in touch within 48 hours.