Music Opportunities At SPAPS

St Peter’s Anglican Primary School has an excellent musical culture, with a variety of opportunities for their students to learn and perform. Here are just some of the platforms at the school, where students can learn more and gain experience with the guitar.
• Lunch Time Concerts – These are put together by some of the music tutors at SPAPS. They’re casual performances that usually occur 2-3 times per year at lunch or recess, with a focus on making students feel supported. Performance items don’t have to be refined, polished pieces, they simply need to show what the student has been working on recently.
• Junior Band – This is organised by the school. At the moment, there isn’t any six string guitar parts in the junior band, however there is bass guitar. Learning bass will greatly help students with their rhythm, fingerpicking and sight reading abilities. All of these areas are common struggles for guitarists, so learning bass will provide a great opportunity for students to focus on these areas.