Ultimate Guitar Method
A guitar course that’s specifically designed to make learning easy and fun for young beginners.

Designed Specifically For
Young Students
Our Junior Course starts at the most basic level possible, beginning with learning the parts of the guitar – a simply aspect that is often neglected by guitar courses.
Students then learn how to count frets, hold down strings and usually learn a whole song in their first lesson.
Students Learn...
Competency-Based For
Structured Learning
There are five key areas to guitar playing, called The Five Fundamental Techniques, which make up The Ultimate Guitar Method.
Every grade (called a Step) contains a small portion of each of these key areas.
Students must achieve competency in all areas in order to progress to the next Step, ensuring that students progress evenly and don’t neglect any aspects.

Have Fun Learning
Real Music
Many kids guitar courses teach nursery rhymes and music that young students don’t know or care about.
Ultimate Guitar Method Junior allows students to choose their favourite songs to learn – this could be classic pieces like Hot Cross Buns, or new releases from artists like Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry or Shawn Mendes.
It’s quite common for students to learn themes from Avengers or Star Wars, nursery rhymes, soundtracks, memes, Minecraft parodies and some bizarre sounds like “The Doorbell” or “Windows XP Startup Theme”. We’ve even taught the Sydney Train’s departing sound.
One of our most taught songs in 2019 was Old Town Road (see the practice video below).
Designed To Develop
Lifelong Playing
Stay encouraged by receiving certificates and awards for completing Grades.
Ultimate Guitar Method is a curriculum, not a lesson-by-lesson course, so students can learn at their own pace.
Access practice resources and instructional material for each grade.
More Than Just
Songs & Scales
It’s common for guitar courses to simply contain a collection of songs and scales in order of difficulty. Ultimate Guitar Method teaches music and guitar holistically, across every genre of music.
We’ve included some aspects that are often neglected, like song structure, songwriting, music theory, scale composition, chord composition, ear training, music technology, technique exercises and recording conventions.
Students can even write and record their own song as part of their studies.

A Strong Focus On
Many young students struggle to learn because they haven’t been taught proper technique for playing. Even something simple like picking one string can be quite challenging for young beginners, and improper technique leads to a roadblock in their progression.
Ultimate Guitar Method places a large focus on developing essential skills like picking, sliding, hammer-ons, pull-offs and palm muting, so they can become awesome guitarists.